Year 1 (2005): A Carolina Cheerleader

Food- Pizza
Song- How Great is our God
TV Show- Jon and Kate Plus 8
Movie- Care Bears, Big Wish Movie
Friends- All her Shout sisters, and Kate, Sierra, and Anna Grace
Sayings- "Mommy, you are such a sweetie." "Oh my goodness." "Zoe, come here."
Animal- Fish
Restaurants- Chili's and "Old McDonalds"
Story- The "Our vacation to the mountains" story I tell at bedtime
Halloween costume- Dora (for the moment)
Candy- Smarties
Drink- Milk or water
Outfit- Any skirt (unfortunately, this cold weather is cramping her style)
Playground equipment- Swings
Games- Puzzles
Color- Pink
Shoes- Crocs or dress sandals
Way to annoy mommy and daddy- Ignoring us and acting like we are not even speaking English to her
Bath time activity- Washing the tub with a bar of "hotel soap"
Breakfast food- Granola Bar
Special treat- A red Icee from Target