Wednesday, January 27, 2010

3 months old!

I cannot believe my baby is a quarter of a year old now. Tuesday marked Jake's 3 month birthday. I got my weekly "BabyCenter email" yesterday that tells what he "should" be doing and what to look forward to, but the thing that caught my eye was the statement, "Most babies cry the most their first three months of life so you should notice your baby's crying to taper off now." Well, if that was the most Jake's gonna cry, then WOW, I have an awesome baby! He is so laid back and precious...hardly ever utters a peep unless he's startled or dirty diapered. We are so lucky!
Here's what else is going on with Baby Jake:
*Wearing size 6-9 month clothes
*Wearing size 2 diapers but only until they run out, and then we are moving up to 3's
*Smiling and cooing with occasional belly laughs (usually at Brooklyn)
*Holding his head up very well by himself
*Eating every three hours during the day
*Consistently SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! (Hooray! However, he is trying to get up at 4:00am but just a little shake of the pack-n-play and a paci plug, and he's back to sleep.)
*Not sure about weight (My guess is about 18 pounds. Yes, you read that right. 18.)
*Loves the glider
*Still swaddled at night, and I am on the hunt for a larger Halo Swaddler SleepSack
*Still has not needed formula
*Is so friendly when people talk to him
*Has lost most of his hair on top and its being replaced by a small amount of blonder hair...unfortunately, he still has darker hair in the back and around the sides, so he has the "old man" look going on
*Still suffers from reflux and takes Zantac twice a day
*Is a quieter sleeper, but still grunts and poots a bunch
*Is really learning to swat at and grasp at his toys; loves rattles and stuffed animals

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Such a cute picture of Jake - he looks like he's up to something! :)


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