Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy 30th Birthday to....


Some people are frightened by the thought of turning 30. Me? Not so much! Having been married since 22 and a mother since 24, I have days where I think, "Really? 30? That's all I am?" I have accomplished a bunch in the 20's. I'm looking forward to the 30's as the decade of "catching up" and "stabilization." :-)

And who could need anything else in life when you have these two precious angels? I have been blessed beyond words, and I thank God for all he has given me my first 30 years. I pray for continued blessings in the next 30.


Holly B. said...

Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great one. Welcome to your 30s. So far it's been a great decade for me and I wish you and your family all the best! :)

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday! I hope your hubby and kids spoil you like you deserve! :)

Mollie Perez said...

Happy, HApy birthday sweetie! I feel the same way...30...thats all. b/c i feel 40! ha! Hope you have a GREAT day! xoxo, mollie


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