Thursday, July 9, 2009

Week 23....plugging right along

Week 23 has been pretty eventful. Monday started us off with a scare when Chad decided to wake up in the middle of the night unable to breathe. He gasped for about 30 seconds and finally could catch his breath. He went to the doctor the next day and they are trying him with some acid reflux drugs and a modified diet (to also help with elevated blood pressure). Hopefully, this will help him, and we will not have an episode like that ever again. It was scary for a minute and I do not want to have to sleep with one eye open for the rest of my life. :-)

Brooklyn's sweet teacher, Mrs. Ramona, told us Monday that next Friday would be her last day. She is leaving the school to stay at home with her children and work part-time at Kohl's. But because she had surgery Wednesday and we are at the beach next week, Tuesday ended up being her last day with Brooklyn. Brooklyn doesn't quite understand that, but I was super sad to say goodbye to her. Luckily, Brooklyn's other wonderful teacher, Ms. Jeanna, is staying (I hope!), so she and her friends will have one familiar face in the classroom. Ms. Jeanna is a great teacher and I hope that Brooklyn can keep her until she leaves for Kindergarten.

Everyone has been asking what Chad is doing this summer....well, a little bit of everything. golf...painting....carpet cleaning...more golf...mopping...mowing...he's doing it all! It's nice to have someone at home doing the normal everyday cleaning up, but its also nice when he goes out on "paying" jobs and makes a little extra cash for the family (and to support the golf habit). I'm just so ready for a is crazy with redistributing jobs and responsibilities...I need some time to just chill.

The pregnancy is going great! When I read blogs about pregnancies that are "high risk" or complicated in anyway, I realize just how lucky I have been to this point. I will take the minor aches and soreness, the heartburn and the "fatness," and remember just how lucky I am. I hope that the next 17 weeks continue to go as smooth and uneventful. I feel the little man everyday now. Very strong kicks and pushes, but he is so unpredictable that I haven't been able to get Chad or Brooklyn over fast enough. But, we know it will happen soon. :-) I have been craving two things like crazy the past few weeks: french fries and watermelon (and you can see where one will be detrimental to my weight plan more than the other). I actually tried a little bit of Taco Bell on Saturday so I am hoping that maybe my aversion to Mexican is finally gone. I have headaches every day pretty much but luckily two Tylenol usually knock it out in the hour. No swelling or stretch marks...yet...and I hope that continues. I have another appointment at the end of July and then I think I go every two weeks.

Here's how the little man is growing:
Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With his sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that he's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see him squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing him for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze him when she hears them outside the womb.

Hope everyone is having a great summer so far and staying cool!

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