Monday, January 26, 2009

Girls Nights!

Two Friday nights each month, my husband, father, and 8-10 of their closest male friends gather together for Poker and Fellowship (aka beer). They started their friendly game sometime when I was pregnant with Brooklyn (late 2004). Not to be outdone, the wives decided we needed our own Girls Night. What started as just me, my mom, and Brooklyn has grown to quite a group! We used to go out to eat and then have coffee and dessert back at the house, but as babies were born and our group size increased (and patience level decreased!), we decided to just make dinners at our house. Now, it's just easy to order pizza and let the girls run free! :-) Here is a few pictures taken last Friday. It was a "small" group of 8, but Brooklyn, Zoe, and "Baby" Allie had a great time playing with babies, sitting in little chairs, and goofing off.

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