Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Week 11...getting closer

I know I'm not getting closer to my due date...but I am getting closer to my first goal: the end of the first trimester (and hopefully the end of this nausea). Week 11 has been rough...I've had some pretty rough days of nausea, especially around the evening- after dinner time. I've been sleeping better, though, and only getting up maybe once a night to potty. :-) Brooklyn showed some real interest in my belly yesterday, pressing her ear up to it and claiming the baby was talking to her. She also decided that if it's a boy, she would name it Shoko and a girl, Nala. These are the dogs on Jon and Kate Plus 8. Needless to say, they are not in the running. According to Wii Fit, I did not gain any weight last week (yay!) but I am afraid to weigh myself this week because Lent ended on Sunday, and I have been pretty excited about eating fried foods again. I also had my first sweet tea tonight (and probably last). The baby wasn't digging it, so we're back to no caffeine again (which is definitely better anyway).

Here's what says is going on:
How your baby's growing:Your baby, just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig, is now almost fully formed. Her hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under her gums, and some of her bones are beginning to harden.She's already busy kicking and stretching, and her tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccupping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming.
How your life's changing:If you're like most women, you're feeling a bit more energetic now and your nausea may be starting to wane. Unfortunately, you may also be suffering from constipation (caused by hormonal changes, which can slow digestion) and heartburn (hormones again, relaxing the valve between your stomach and esophagus). Just remember, all this discomfort is for a good cause.Don't worry if nausea has made it impossible for you to eat a wide variety of healthy foods or if you haven't put on much weight yet (most women gain just 2 to 5 pounds during the first trimester). Your appetite will likely return soon, and you'll start to gain about a pound a week.

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