Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Parents: This Winter

Lest you think Chad and I are just sitting around changing poopy underpants and taking down cribs, we have been pretty busy, too.

We have both started a pretty solid workout regime. Chad attends Boot Camp Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 5:30am (I know, yikes), and then he sees a trainer Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 5:45am (seriously, yikes). He is really enjoying it. I have continued Zumba (really trying to go 2-3 times a week) and then recently started with a trainer one day a week. This one day leads itself to the other 6 days of the week in that I weigh in (big old yikes) and have to show my My Fitness Pal food journals once a week. Eeek. But accountability is what I needed and so accountability is what I got. And I love it.

When I started I had to set some fitness goals. I didn't know if my trainer would find it funny if I wrote my goals as follows:
1. Abs like Fergie
2. Arms like Heather Locklear
3. Legs like Beyonce

Though I did not write it down, I did tell him my goals outloud. He may have been slightly amused. And then told me to lose two pounds by next week. ha!

I don't normally support or utilize profanity but this was too hilarious. And with it being Girl Scout cookie season, very true to what I am working with right now.

The band is doing well. We are busy with family and "real work" lives but still continue to practice regularly and are currently working in the studio on a brand new album. A few weekends ago, we had a great opportunity to be the band at a Lutheran Youth Conference at a local hotel. We played 6 different times throughout the weekend to about 400 youth and their leaders. It was super fun and a great experience.

We also celebrated the upcoming arrival of my new sweet baby niece. I went a bit overboard and "showered" her with all new outfits for all her first holidays...including her first beach trip and her first Grace Reigns Down concert. We cannot wait to meet Baby Claire in about 7 weeks!

And finally, I have spent this weekend at a Futures Conference at my church. I loved seeing all the excitement and fellowship among members. I was the note taker and really heard and recorded some great things. I am super proud of my church and where we seem to be headed.

We're all busy. All 4 of us. We are living life to the fullest. But still taking time to sit around in our PJ's and slippers and watch some TV. Because sometimes you just need some Wonder Pets or The bachelor every now and again.

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