Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy 2 Month Birthday, Jake!

What a big boy Jake is! I cannot believe we are celebrating his 2 month birthday.

Here is what is going on with our "little" man:

*Wearing size 3-6 month clothes (unless it has feet and then definitely 6 months)

*Wearing size 1-2 diapers

*Smiling and cooing like crazy (or making this precious "concerned" look with his eyebrows, as seen in picture)

*Holding his head up very well by himself

*Eating every three hours during the day and about every 6 at night (usually waking up once in the middle of the night, but Christmas eve and Christmas night he went about 8 hours between feedings)

*Not sure about weight (we go back to the doctor in about a week) but I am guessing about 13 pounds

*Enjoying the swing and car seat more in SMALL doses

*Loves to be swaddled at night

*Still has not needed formula (yay!) and has been solely raised on breastmilk

*Taking a bottle well from others

*Recognizes mommy's, daddy's, and Brooklyn's voices

*Still has light brown hair (double yay!)

*Still suffers from reflux and takes Zantac twice a day (and Mylicon as needed)

*Makes some crazy animal noises when settling down to sleep :-)
*Has learned that he has hands but is trying to figure out what to do with them

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