Thursday, December 17, 2009

Oh, Baby!

When I was preggers with Brooklyn, I was a bit "on my own." I had Brooklyn when I was 24-25 and several of my friends were still engaged, newly married, or fabulously single. Babies were just not "in" then. :-) Now, Jake is surrounded by some wonderful babies born both before and coming in the next several months. In a 12 month span, we will be celebrating the births of soooo many precious babies. I am so excited for these dear friends. So, to keep us all updated, I have added a Gadget on the right titled "Oh, Baby!" If I am forgetting anyone, leave me a comment.

And stay tuned because there will be a few more additions...they just haven't made their pregnancies "Facebook public" yet. :-)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

you are too sweet! Thanks for adding me to the list :)


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