Friday, December 17, 2010

On My Honor...I Will Try (not to cry)

Well, if you know me at all (or maybe you can even guess it by the blog title), you know Girl Scouts is a huge part of my life. Not only have I been a professional Girl Scout for 7.5 years, but I was a girl member of the organization for about 10 years, even earning the Gold Award (the highest award in Girl Scouting, and YES it's like the Eagle Boy Scout Award...only harder to earn) as a High School Junior.

But I digress...

This is about my sweet, grown up Brooklyn. Tuesday night, she had her Daisy Girl Scout Investiture Ceremony, where she became an official member of Girl Scouting.

She had to recite the Promise all by herself.

And helped add a petal to the "Girl Scout Law Daisy Flower"

And then all the moms got to pin the membership pins on their daughters...
It was a wonderful ceremony. The girls all did so great! This Daisy troop has been great for so many reasons, but one awesome bonus is that Ms Jeanna's pre-school girls get to have a mini-reunion every other Tuesday night.
And she has two pretty neat leaders (who also happen to be pretty special grandmas).

To say I was proud was a bit of an understatement...

Brooklyn and one of her best friends, Kate. I'm so glad they can do this together!

When did she grow up?


Emily Cole said...

How sweet! What a big girl! I cried when TA became a Daisy too, and there are times where she'll say something about 'being a Girl Scout' that just make me SO proud!

MABoone said...

Congratulations Brooklyn! There are so many of us who love you, and are proud of you too. Being a Girl Scout is an honor, a great character builder and a great way to do good things with your friends. Proud of you!!!
Love you!
Aunt Mary Ann


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