I have to say that I am enjoying every second of this sweet one's babyhood. He is such a JOY. Absolutely a precious angel.
So.....what's up with Jake at 7 months?
Jake is wearing size 4 diapers and size 18-24 month clothes. I mean, I could SQUEEEEZE him into a 9-12 month, but I want the kid to be comfortable. No one likes their thighs to have the circulation cut off.
Jake is taking two great naps a day at home (10am and 2pm)...about 2 hours each. At school, it's a different story, but none of his classmates seem to be "super sleepers." He is going to bed between 7:30pm-8:00pm and waking up about 6:30am.
My boy is still the champion eater- loving his fruits and veggies and breastfeeding like a champ. He's on a great schedule of eating 5 times a day.
Wake up: Nurse
9am: Cereal and Nurse/Bottle
12pm: Fruit, Veggie, and Nurse/Bottle
3pm: Nurse
6pm: Fruit, Veggie, and Nurse
Little Pook is such a charmer. He hasn't met a stranger and is just so happy all.the.time. I REALLY hope this personality is here to stay because, holy cow, he is the easiest baby. Chad and I just commented this week on the fact that he just doesn't cry. I mean he's definitely spoiled rotten so he shouldn't have a reason to cry, but still....I know I am sooooo lucky.
Jake started school on his 6 month birthday and has adjusted so well. I mean, I know he probably cries at school when he's tired and hungry and they have 7 other kids to tend to, but overall, they say he's very happy and content most of the day.
And the first thing he learned at school?
I'll work on getting a better picture of sitting on the floor for another post. :-)
So, between sitting and blowing raspberries, the tricks just keep on coming!
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