Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Trip to Bernie's Berries

Last Friday, we made our first trip out to the strawberry fields (patch?). We always go to Bernie's Berries.


1. Because she has the best strawberries... 2. Because "Bernie" is also known as Mrs. Kenan, my high school math teacher and a very precious lady....

And 3. We get to ride in the "Berry Cart." :-)

Brooklyn made Mrs. Kenan proud as she liked to separate her berries into basket by size. Warms a math teacher's heart! :-)

Jake did so good despite the heat and the fact that we really didn't have much for him to do.

He was his usually happy self and enjoyed some stroller time.

We got two nice-sized baskets full. Brooklyn was very particular about which ones we could pick. :-)

Such a fun way to spend a Friday afternoon...and I am still eating those yummy berries!

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